
Safety & Security

Consulting the Experts

Safety procedures that follow our business model – first class in every respect, with nothing left to chance. To this end, we also engage Independent Health and Safety Consultants to monitor our procedures and provide us with quarterly audits. The consultants are there to examine and verify what we do in terms of safety, and to ensure our safety standards are best practice in every area of our business.

Quality Assurance

GroundK, 그라운드케이

At GroundK, we innovate, listen and respond – and our team always delivers. Our dedication to quality flows through everything we do and with a unique combination of quality control programmes, innovation, dedication and passion, we have raised the chauffeuring industry standard.

You will be driven by an industry leading, experienced chauffeur in one of the safest and most comfortable vehicles available in the KOREA and vehicles are all under three years old.

Key Points

• We combine exceptional reliability
• A high level of safety maintained throughout the world
• Sophisticated technology and 24/7 support teams

Data Security + Confidentiality

All of our sensitive client data is collected, stored, and transmitted internally utilizing heavy encryption and top-tier equipment, including but not limited to a top-rated security software credit card payment infrastructure that is Payment Card Industry (PCI)/Personally Identifiable Information (PII) compliant.

GroundK maintains strict company policies regarding PII management and storage, All of our employees, contractors and agents sign confidentiality provisions prohibiting disclosure of any GroundK client’s identity without their express consent.

GroundK, 그라운드케이

Safe Transportation Partners

GroundK, 그라운드케이

GroundK strive to maintain and provide only best partners, chauffeurs and vehicles with a long experience in the travel and transportation industry network.

Key Points

• In-depth Alliance Partner vetting process, Closely monitored extended evaluation period
• Vehicle and personnel audits, Service level agreements